lots of this...presents and fun
what a beauty
lots of family time...they are almost to big to fit on his lap anymore.
just the four of us
thads family and a huge collision that resulted in a bloody nose
Another Christmas done and gone and it has taken me forever to write about it. We opened our gifts here with the kids on Christmas eve morning....sydnie opened her camera and i think just about had a heartattack...the only thing she could say was oOOOOOOOOO. Noah of course loved his legos and we spent the rest of that morning playing games and building legos. Then we headed down to my parents house for the evening. We had our traditional pizza and games. but this year we had the kids put some reindeer food (some oats, glitter and sprinkles) out for santa. Noah went crazy. He told us he was going to stay up all night to wait for santa and then while we were outside he swore that the "big shiny light" up in the sky was santa so we needed to hurry and get the food on the lawn. He kept checking the sky and watching for santa every few minutes. Then he told us in no uncertain terms that he had just saw santa and that he was on the way here. of course when we told him that santa only will come if the kids are sleeping, he wanted to go to bed right then! So cute. Sydnie had fun with it as well, but noah just believed.