Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Punkin' Patch

Finally some nice weather that we could go to the pumpkin patch....of course we went twice in one day...i think we can be done for the year. Yesterday afternoon, noah had his field trip to EZ Orchards and it was great. We got to pick a pumpkin, apple and enjoyed a fresh apple donut and cider. The mud however was not great. Most of the kids managed to just keep it on their feet, but the mud puddles were very tempting.

Then right after school we ran down to Corvallis to my brothers and went out to the patch with his family. The only thing missing was Thad (who is working on bball stuff). Had a great time. Watching my niece for her first trip to the patch and watching noah brag about how this was his second trip of the day!!! They had this cool little rubber duck race for the kids to do...where you pump water down a piece of gutter and float your duck to the end the fastest....Sydnie loved it. It sounds cheesy, but when it is a hit with the kids it works for me. We picked our pumpkins in the dark, almost got stuck in the mud with the hayride and our bottom halves were covered in mud by the time we were done. Good memories there.