Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Mom's Salary

Analysis completed by reveals that today's 5.4 million stay-at-home moms would earn $131,471 in annual salary, including overtime pay, if paid in cash in addition to the steady flow of rewarding hugs and kisses from their children. consulted with a representative sampling of stay-at-home moms before finalizing a list of the top seven job titles that fit the average mom's job description. Ranked in order from most time-consuming to least time-consuming, the list includes the titles of:
Daycare Center Teacher
Van Driver, Housekeeper
General Maintenance Worker

Stay-at-home moms and working moms have a tremendous responsibility in raising their children and in the spirit of the upcoming Mother's Day holiday we recognize all moms and grandmothers for a job well done," We found it extremely difficult to put a true price on an annual salary for stay-at-home moms because they are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week with only a few, if any, chances to relax."

Finally a validation that we can never, ever be paid enough for all of the work we do for our families. I was online one day and found this article...I thought it would make a perfect scrapbook page about mothers day and all that we do. I enjoy being a stay at home mom and at this point in my life I would be very difficult to go back to do you manage both when your kids need you so much? I have worked part time at a LSS a couple of times, but in the long run, my kids are more important than anything else. No one can tell you what is the right choice for you, but my decision to stay home has been the best decision I have ever made!