Tuesday, January 26, 2010

heart exposed

i have had a few good laughs over the comments regarding my construction post. Which in reality was just a simple way for me to get that stupid ritz cracker picture off my blog! i realized it had been awhile since i had posted and trust me i have lots and lots of pictures to post, but no time to do it.

i know there was speculation regarding my facebook posts as well. I can tell you all that I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!! Not that I would not like to be. I would love to be the mother to more than two children, but God has chosen for us and I accept His will.

But let me say that my heart has been heavy since Christmas. It has taken a journey of anger, denial, pain, hurt......and now it sits without burden; healing.

Many of you, my dear friends, know about my brother in law and the heartache and forgiveness that our family has experienced. It appears that his sins have come full circle and now affect someone else within our family. It has opened all of the old wounds for us. It has shaken us deeply.

We have had to draw a circle around our family. To protect. To withdraw from relationships that were tattered and now cannot be repaired. To be truth tellers to our children, who did not know. To hold my baby close.

As we have journeyed through this we have found that our family has not been entirely affected. We know that there was a situation, but we circled the wagons and were aware of it. We rest in knowledge that GOD in heaven has protected them. He has provided for us.

We grieve now. But we also know that just as before we will get through with GOD's strength and His faithfulness.