Sunday, March 11, 2007

One Loooooong 24 hours

let me set the stage: 1 husband out of town, 2 sick children (fever, cough, cold) and one tired mom (who was super sad that she did not get to go to the scrapbook convention on friday). After I put the kids to bed friday night I sat down to watch "One Night with the King", which was an amazing movie. I finally rolled into bed about midnight after checking on the kids, which were doing fine. I had been asleep about 1/2 an hour when I hear the crying and wake up to see Sydnie standing at my bed shaking with a fever of about 103.5. So several hours later her coughing has slowed down and her fever is down to 101 and she drifts off to sleep. I know in my heart that something is wrong, because that day she had been fine. The kids were playing together and there had been no fever for her all day, so the fact that it came back with a vengance was not good. Saturday morning I groggily roll out of bed, call the peds clinic to get her in. Finally at 10:45 we see a doctor, she listens for quite awhile to syd's lungs and finally decides to send us off to Salem Hospital for some x-rays of her chest. Now Thad is out of town and the hospital is under construction, no where to park, so we grab my MIL and she drops us off and takes noah home to pick up thad who has come in from the airport to an empty house. 1 chest x-ray, 1 wheelchair and one long wait later, we were told she had pnuemonia and were sent upstairs to receive an injection of antibiotic and some monitoring. The minute sydnie's head hit the pillow she was out! The nurses freaked out when they took her temperature and it was 104.4. I had to explain to them that she is a hottie and that is not uncommon for her to spike that high. Finally they administered the shot and then we had to sit and wait for the call to stay or go. Poor little thing was just wiped out and her little lips were blue from lack of oxygen, seriously scary. But she perked up after the shot and we were sent home to recover. Last night I jumped up everytime I heard her cough, just to make sure she was okay and not relapsing. This morning is a remarked improvement....she is eating, she has no fever, she looks more like herself and she slept most of the night. But me...I could use a serious nap and some pampering.


Teresa said...

Wow! Poor little girl...I am glad to hear she is doing better!! It does always seem to happen when you are one man short :) I hope you get a good nap in today!

Bree said...

I heard and have been praying for her. It is scary isnt it?? I am glad she is doing better now! I am glad you guys didnt have to stay the night or anything! I hope springtime can clear out all of these germs!!