Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So tomorrow is the day that I increase my hours at work from 2 hours a day to 4 hours a day. I have posted before that my dream job would be a teachers assistant in our school system and I had been accepted to sub this year, before I was hired to my current job. But now that reality is coming true. Last friday as I was still on my coffee caffeine high the principal caught me in the hall and asked if I would be interested in tacking on 2 more hours to become an assistant. I of course said yes immediately and did not ask a single question....but floated home on a haze of acceptance and wow, I must be doing something right. So this morning he told me that he wanted me to start tomorrow and to talk to the teacher that I would be working with to figure out the hours I need to be there. So tomorrow it is! I love who I am going to be working with, but I will not lie that I am a little apprehensive............something new always does that to me. My hours are going to be so weird because I have to work around my existing job, but some morning I will have time to go get a coffee or run to target. Others we will have to get to school early so that I can start when the bell rings. So pray for the kids and I as we make this new transition. Hopefully not too much stress. That means I have to have breakfast eaten before I take them to school!!! ha ha.


Jim Slagle said...

How is it going? Hope you're loving it and that the transition is smooth and "uneventful."
