Monday, December 03, 2007


So to continue the holiday spirit....we decorated our tree on sunday. Thad put the lights on in the afternoon and after dinner we blasted the Christmas music and started the festivities. The kids pretty much run the show and they put all the ornaments on the tree, so of course they are all down low and stuck together.....but the fun is what matters. Sydnie told me this year that she is going to wear her santa hat every time we decorate the tree so that she can get in the Christmas mood. We gave the kids their special ornaments, which sydnie loved and noah hated.
I tried experimenting with flash last night...i really like the top pix where the flash was off and the soft glow of the lights looks beautiful. need to play around with it some more to get the hang of it. i really do like pix with natural light, rather than the harsh flash.
we also watched polar express the night we got our was a great time to relax and be with family. Good tradition to start.