Thursday, October 18, 2007


It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I feel like I have all of these "things" piling up to do and I have just been running around like crazy. I feel like I live at the school. I volunteer there two days a week and I work with two kids that need help reading as well. But when you add on PTA , well just give me a bed there!!! ha ha.

I did find time these last two weeks to paint sydnie's bedroom, a beautiful light aqua blue and then we found a bunch of hot pink stuff to go with the room. super cute......we moved her bed into her little alcove area, eventually we will hang the curtains in front of her bed so that she has to climb thru them to get to her bed. how fun is that? I loved gutting the room and getting rid of a bunch of excess. I really wanted to simplify her room so that she had her 2-3 major toys that she still plays with and then her art desk. I have had stuff in our hallway for two weeks, just sitting, waiting for me to find a home or throw it out (without her knowledge).

I also found out that a bunch of her polly pockets were on recall so we sat down and emptied out the bins, found all the pieces and boxed those up to send back. She of course discovered that she still loves her polly they are now all over her floor.

As much as you try to keep there rooms clean and organized...they are just kids who want to have fun.